Senator blames Namwamba for Kericho Stadium stampede that claimed four lives

STADIA Senator blames Namwamba for Kericho Stadium stampede that claimed four lives

Joel Omotto 16:30 - 21.10.2023

The legislator wants Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba to take responsibility for the stampede at Kericho Green Stadium which led to the death of four people

Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei wants Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba to take responsibility for the stampede at Kericho Stadium which led to the death of four people on Friday.

The four, who included a minor, died after being rushed to Kericho Referral Hospital following a deadly stampede at Gate C of the stadium early in the morning at the venue for the 60th Mashujaa Day celebrations.

A police report said the stampede was caused by a woman selling tea outside the stadium who accidentally spilled hot tea into the fire near Gate C along the road, causing members of the public to panic after mistaking it for tear gas being thrown at them, but Cherargei wants Namwamba held responsible for what he terms ‘substandard’ work on the stadium.

“My heart goes out to the families and friends who lost their loved ones after the stampede at Kericho Stadium yesterday,” the Senator posted on social media on Saturday.

“The supervising ministry of sports CS Ababu must held responsible for this unfortunate incident. This is clear pointer of substandard work done by the ministry at the stadium. The incident embarrassed all of us. My apologies to the entire country.”

The tragic incident happened hours after Namwamba had lauded the refurbishment of the 10,000-seater stadium that was renamed Wilson Kiprugut Chumo Stadium during the Mashujaa Day celebrations.

“This facility being delivered here today is a celebration of a team effort. So today, we are delighted to gather here to receive the refurbished Kericho Green Stadium. We have actually turned a dilapidated, forgotten, ignored ground into a stadium that fits the name Stadium,” the Sports CS said on Thursday.

“Now we have Kericho Green Stadium as a 10,000-sitter capacity stadium. It has a 2,000-sitter VIP zone, and two changing rooms and we will put those changing rooms to use during the Mashujaa Day Cup.”

The stadium hosted the celebrations, which were led by President William Ruto, before Zoo FC took on AFC Leopards in the Mashujaa Day Cup at the same venue, the home side beating Ingwe 2-1.