Sasha Mutai promises bigger and better Safari Sevens tournament

© Nation Sports

RUGBY Sasha Mutai promises bigger and better Safari Sevens tournament

Abigael Wafula 05:00 - 08.05.2023

Last year's event was canceled last minute due to financial constraints.

Kenya Rugby Union chairman Alexander 'Sasha' Mutai has promised that the Safari Sevens is coming back in a more refined way. 

The Safari Sevens was first held in the country in 1996 and was running smoothly until 2021 when it came to a halt and has not been held since.

He revealed that in the near future, they will also want to host the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series.

“We would love to host the Sevens Series but we have to revive our Safari Sevens first. Last year, the event was canceled at the last minute and it was so embarrassing because we had already invited teams.

We have to repair our relationships and make sure we take the tournament back to where it used to be,” he told Spice FM.

He added that he was in talks with the Sports CS Ababu Namwamba to have the Safari Rally precedes the Safari Sevens or the vice versa so they can have a huge number of fans attend both events and also support tourism.

Mutai revealed that the RFUEA Grounds came in handy to host most of their events but it was time for KRU to get their own land. He added that with their own grounds, they will also be able to host other events.

“We want to develop our own infrastructure and that’s why we are seeking to get our title deed. We have very less assets and we need to increase that. We need to change things by securing our land,” he said.

He added that hosting the Safari Sevens would cost approximately Ksh100 million if KRU would want to stage a successful event.

Back then, he revealed that they would spend about Ksh50 million but they want to upgrade the event.

“It used to have a budget of about Ksh50 million but we have to raise the bar if we have to award the best performing teams. We also have to fly in the best teams and that would cost an arm and a leg…it would cost about Ksh100 million,” he said.

He revealed that the previous time KRU made ‘good’ money was during the 2013 edition of the event when Mutai was the Safari Sevens chairman.

Meanwhile, he also promised that by the end of the year, a number of partners will have come in to support the sport. He added that KRU will also be keen to ensure the clubs like Mwamba RFC secure land.