Rat urine disease threatens Paris Olympics, drastic measures taken near River Seine

Rat urine disease threatens Paris Olympics, drastic measures taken near River Seine

Eric Munene 21:46 - 27.07.2024

Paris Mayor takes action to address rat-borne disease fears

The Paris Olympics marathon swimming competitions is fast approaching and concerns about a disease linked to the city’s rat population have been addressed with a series of proactive measures.

The River Seine, set to host marathon swimming and triathlon events, has been under scrutiny due to the potential risk of leptospirosis, a disease transmitted through contact with water contaminated by rat urine.

Leptospirosis, caused by the Leptospira bacteria, can lead to flu-like symptoms, and in severe cases, it may cause liver and kidney damage.

This has raised significant health concerns as the Seine is central to several Olympic events.

To mitigate these risks, Paris 2024 organizers have invested heavily in cleaning the Seine, with over £1.1 billion spent since 2015 to improve water quality and address environmental concerns.

Additionally, measures to control the city’s rat population, including setting traps, have been implemented.

These efforts are designed to prevent the spread of leptospirosis and ensure a safe environment for athletes.

In a bid to reassure both the public and athletes, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo took a symbolic swim in the Seine last week. Sporting a wetsuit, Hidalgo ventured into the river near the City Hall and Notre Dame Cathedral, accompanied by Paris 2024 chief Tony Estanguet and regional official Marc Guillaume.

Following her swim, Hidalgo declared the water conditions to be "very, very good," aiming to dispel fears about the river’s suitability for Olympic events.

Minister of Sports and Games, Amelie Oudea-Castera, also took part in a similar demonstration earlier, further emphasizing the city’s commitment to ensuring a safe and clean environment for the Games.

These steps reflect Paris’s determination to showcase a pristine Olympic venue while addressing public health concerns head-on, setting the stage for a successful and safe Olympic experience.
