Retired football star Bonface Ambani calls for inclusive stadiums in Kenya

© Bonface Ambani (Facebook)

FOOTBALL Retired football star Bonface Ambani calls for inclusive stadiums in Kenya

Festus Chuma 18:11 - 14.08.2023

Ambani has raised his voice against the glaring lack of accessibility for spectators with disabilities in Kenyan stadiums.

Retired Harambee Stars forward Bonface Ambani has issued a challenge to the authorities, urging them to prioritise the accessibility of stadiums in Kenya.

The 40-year-old former Tusker, AFC Leopards, and Yanga star has stated that the authorities should prioritise accessibility and facilities for spectators with disabilities, emphasizing the need for international standards in stadium design.

Ambani's call to action comes as a response to the lack of accommodations for disabled fans in most of the country's stadiums.

"Recently, Hon Tim Wanyonyi, MP for Westlands, made an impromptu appearance at Bukhungu Stadium. I saw him come, and my fears came to the fore. How will he access the VIP section? 

"His crew had to literally carry him, plus the wheelchair, all through the tiny Bukhungu stairs to the VIP section, where the VIP itself was too small for the many officials who attended the KSSSA finals," Ambani candidly expressed, shedding light on the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities.

His frustration is palpable as he continues, "I have been advocating for internationally standardized stadiums, but all that we have been building are cowsheds, and we keep on clapping. Nobody wants to listen, and when CAF Visits, they dismiss our stadiums."

"The day we shall be able to listen and listen, and we stop doing things the way it pleases us and not CAF/FIFA rules and regulations, then we shall be ready for world-class football," Ambani concluded.

CAF rules explicitly outline the requirements for stadiums to accommodate spectators with disabilities.

These guidelines encompass dedicated access and seating, ensuring that these seats are situated in the stands rather than around the playing field.

Moreover, provisions must be made for dedicated sanitary facilities, as well as refreshment and catering amenities, catering to the needs of all attendees.