Patrick Aussems: Former AFC Leopards coach confirms talks with Gor Mahia

© AFC Leopards

Patrick Aussems: Former AFC Leopards coach confirms talks with Gor Mahia

Festus Chuma 17:00 - 20.05.2024

Belgian coach Patrick Aussems is considering a coaching offer from Gor Mahia, amid other options, following Johnathan McKinstry's departure.

Former AFC Leopards head coach Patrick Aussems has openly addressed speculation linking him to the soon-to-be-vacant coaching position at Gor Mahia, following reports that current coach Johnathan McKinstry will take over the Gambia national team.

 McKinstry's impending departure has ignited a search for his successor at K'Ogalo, with Aussems named among the potential candidates.

Aussems, who is presently without a club after his contract with Gor Mahia's arch-rivals expired in June last year, has been cited as a potential candidate to fill McKinstry's shoes. 

However, the Belgian tactician revealed that while there has been contact, no formal offer has been made.

 "I don’t have any offer from them (Gor Mahia). They just called me, and that is all. If they want to seal the deal, they should move fast because time is running out," said Aussems as per People Sports.

The coach, known for his analytical approach to the game, emphasized that he is considering multiple options.

 "I have other offers on the table that I am already considering. My job is to consider every option and then decide," he added.

When pressed for details regarding his conversation with Gor Mahia, Aussems described it as a straightforward interaction. 

"It was just a very normal phone conversation. We talked, and everything ended there," he explained, dismissing any notions of immediate commitments.

Aussems also clarified that he had not actively sought out the position. 

"I didn’t apply; they came looking for me via a phone call. But the truth is, I have several opportunities, so I will decide by the end of this month on my next destination," he elaborated, setting a timeline for his decision amid the brewing coaching carousel.

Johnathan McKinstry, the outgoing Gor Mahia coach, took over on July 29, 2022, succeeding in a challenging environment marked by a FIFA transfer ban.

 Nonetheless, he led Gor Mahia to their 20th league title, leaving a significant legacy behind. 

His next role with the Gambia national team begins with a home game against Seychelles on June 8 at the Stade Municipal de Berkane in Morocco, followed by an away game against Gabon.

The coaching changes at Gor Mahia come at a pivotal time for the club, as they seek to build on their recent successes and maintain their status as one of the premier teams in the region. 

The appointment of their next coach will be crucial in shaping the team's future trajectory and aspirations.

Meanwhile, Kenya's Harambee Stars, also in Group F with the Gambia, will play their home matches in Malawi against Burundi and Ivory Coast.

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