NPFL: Apologetic Sporting Lagos condemn irate female fan who threatened Brilla FM

Sporting Lagos fan who threatened Brilla FM.

NPFL: Apologetic Sporting Lagos condemn irate female fan who threatened Brilla FM

Izuchukwu Akawor • Izuchukwu Akawor • 11:58 - 17.06.2024

NPFL club Sporting Lagos throw female fan who dared Brilla FM to sue her under the bus after a tasteless video on social media.

NPFL club Sporting Lagos has been forced to address a shocking incident involving one of their fans from the famous Happy Corner.

According to a viral video circulating on social media, a female fan of the club was captured making threats against sports media giants Brilla FM following chaotic events from Sporting Lagos' recent defeat against Plateau United.

Sporting Lagos React to Brilla Threats

In the video, the fan is heard angrily saying, "Brilla FM, this is for you. You ate our food, drank our drinks and yet you went to lie. Somebody is choking you, why didn't you die?”

“If they choked you, you would have died. One thing I have for you is, I saw someone representing you guys today. You are lucky he left when we asked him to, otherwise, I would break that camera and I dare you to sue me and I will tell you who I am in this Lagos," she added.

Sporting Lagos are facing possible relegation from the NPFL.
Sporting Lagos are facing possible relegation from the NPFL.

The outburst came after Brilla FM shared a video of chaotic scenes from the Onikan Stadium after Sporting Lagos' performance and defeat in their penultimate home game of the season.

Responding to the incident, Sporting Lagos has now released a statement, strongly distancing the club from the fan's actions.

"We are aware of the video circulating of an attendee at a Sporting Lagos game threatening reporters from Brila FM. Sporting Lagos Football Club is strongly against any form of violence against the media, and we distance ourselves from the individual in the video,” the club’s statement read.

“Her opinions do not represent the Club or that of our fan club, the Happy Corner. We apologise to Brila FM for any distress this video may have caused. We want to reiterate that Sporting Lagos games are open to all media for safe and secure coverage, and this will continue to be the case."

The club's swift condemnation of the fan's behaviour and apology to Brilla FM has been praised by football fans and media alike, who have, however, called for further punishments including a Stadium ban for the fan in the hope this incident will serve as a wake-up call for better crowd control and fan behaviour in the NPFL.

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