Nick Mwendwa clears the air on FKF elections status amidst court decision on AGM

Nick Mwendwa clears the air on FKF elections status amidst court decision on AGM

Mark Kinyanjui 05:36 - 29.07.2024

Mwendwa also revealed whether or not he would contest for a third term as FKF President.

Football Kenya Federation (FKF) President Nick Mwendwa has addressed the uncertainty surrounding the next presidential elections in light of the legal issues that halted the federation’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) last March.

Having led FKF for eight years, Mwendwa is constitutionally barred from seeking another term according to Sports Registrar Rose Wasike.

 “The second schedule to the Sports Act provides for the term of office for elected officials as four years and one further term of four years,” Wasike stated in a letter dated February.

 “Hence, it means that since FKF was first registered on July 29, 2016, the current officials of FKF will complete their two terms of office on July 29, 2024 and will therefore not be eligible to vie for the upcoming elections.”

However, FKF Vice President Dorris Petra contends that the initial tenure from 2016 to 2020 falls under a different constitutional regime, predating significant amendments adopted in a 2017 AGM in Mombasa.

 "Let our opponents not fear and meet us at the ballot. FIFA has not informed us of any ineligibility for re-election. The law is on our side," Petra asserted as per Nation.

The AGM, intended to resolve this issue, was halted by a court ruling questioning the legality of the current office. Mwendwa has now revealed that FKF’s appeal against this decision has been successful, with the AGM set to take place “in days.”

“We were prevented from doing our AGM, from setting up the mechanism to conduct elections by fellows who went to court but now they have been revoked,” Mwendwa told the media at the FKF Gala last Friday.

 “Now, we will have our AGM in place, in days in fact and once we do, we will set off the mechanisms for elections with this organization. That is why I said most likely in December, most likely in January, but the process will start soon in earnest."

“Those who want to lead this organization have a chance, a clean chance to compete, a clean chance to convince delegates of their vision to compete with what we have done and carry this nation forward.”

Mwendwa remained cagey about his potential candidacy. “It is good you wait and see. I am going to go to the Dominican Republic and come back, maybe with the trophy, and then we can have that conversation. Politics of football is not something that should be contested like that.”

Should Mwendwa not contest, it is speculated that current CEO Barry Otieno might run for the presidency.

Additionally, Mwendwa clarified the status of the African Nations Championship (CHAN) set for next year.

 “CHAN will not be this year. It is not official(ly announced), but it will not take place this year and Kenya is one of the nations that is likely to host it if we step up and I think we will,” Mwendwa stated.

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