Nairobi youth in line for mega rewards from the soon-to-be launched Governor Sakaja Super Cup

©Johnson Sakaja Facebook.

FOOTBALL Nairobi youth in line for mega rewards from the soon-to-be launched Governor Sakaja Super Cup

Joel Omotto 17:15 - 21.07.2023

The county boss will kick in motion the tournament which will help identify and nurture football talents in the city

Nairobi youth are set to get a chance to showcase their talent when the Governor Sakaja Super Cup is launched in August.

Billed as the biggest tournament in the city, the event, a brainchild of area governor Johnson Sakaja, will be organised by the county government of Nairobi in conjunction with Football Kenya Federation, including its Nairobi East and West branches.

Nairobi County Chief Officer for Youth, Talent and Sports Oscar Igaida said that the launch of the tournament will coincide with the opening of the Dandora Stadium.

“The youth of this county are very close to Governor Sakaja’s heart and he means well for them. Such events are platforms to showcase their talent that will attract scouts who will at the tail end identify talented youth to form the Nairobi Team,” said Igaida, who previously served as AFC Leopards Secretary General.

“The Tournament will mark the opening of the Dandora stadium which is over 90 percent complete and will involve under 20 years age group teams drawn from all the 17 sub-counties of Nairobi.”

Sakaja said that his administration is keen on helping the youth develop their talent in sports and will ensure he continues expanding the sports infrastructure and organise sports events to give them a chance to monetise their talent.

“Sports is a form of employment and that is why I said we must complete the construction of Dandora Stadium and others. This new stadium will host the launch of Super Cup as a sign that we mean what we say,” said Sakaja.

Prize money for the tournament will be revealed during its launch in mid August.
