Muhoroni Youth chairman Adagala buries the hatchet to sing Nick Mwendwa's praises


FOOTBALL Muhoroni Youth chairman Adagala buries the hatchet to sing Nick Mwendwa's praises

Festus Chuma 15:06 - 26.08.2023

The chairman praised FKF President Nick Mwendwa's leadership ahead of FKFPL's start.

Football Kenya Federation (FKF) President Nick Mwendwa garnered unwavering support from FKF Premier League club chairmen and CEOs during a crucial meeting held on Friday, August 25 in Nairobi.

The meeting served as a preparatory session ahead of the eagerly anticipated commencement of the 2023/24 FKF Premier League season, set to kick off on Saturday afternoon.

The gathering presented an opportunity for Mwendwa to provide a comprehensive overview of the forthcoming season to the assembled club leaders. 

Deliberations revolved around a range of league-related matters, including fixture scheduling, referee appointments, venue arrangements, club licensing, sponsorship, and other pivotal aspects essential for the seamless operation of the league.

Moses Adagala, chairman of Muhoroni Youth FC, emerged as a prominent advocate for Mwendwa's leadership, extolling the FKF president's contributions to Kenyan football. 

Drawing from his extensive experience spanning over two decades, Adagala expressed his unequivocal endorsement of Mwendwa, deeming him the paramount figure to guide Kenyan football to new heights.

"Over my more than 20 years in football, I've witnessed several federation chairmen, and Nick surpasses them all in terms of performance. His fairness, transparency, and diligence stand out. 

"Even those contemplating a challenge against Nick's leadership pale in comparison. I wholeheartedly support him; he is the finest we've had thus far. His accomplishments for football are undeniable," Adagala emphasized.

The two head honchos have not always seen eye to eye with Adagala criticising Mwendwa on a number of decisions including the suspension of football activities during the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and the brief axing of Muhoroni Youth from the league back in 2017 due to club licensing. 

Addressing the prevailing issue of political entanglements affecting the sport's growth, Adagala highlighted that Premier League clubs were choosing to shun politics and prioritize the league's development.

 He underscored the importance of rallying behind the current custodian of Kenyan football, lauding Mwendwa's successful efforts to secure league sponsorship and broadcasting deals.

Adagala noted, "We must throw our weight behind the president, who presently oversees Kenyan football. We're elated with his endeavors to secure sponsors and broadcasters for the league. With enhanced funding, our players will gain exposure through broadcasts, marking a significant stride for us."

Acknowledging the challenging circumstances of the previous season, which lacked a league sponsor and subsequently resulted in no prize money for the champions, Adagala praised Mwendwa's efforts to secure a broadcaster and sponsor for the new season.

As the meeting drew to a close, Mwendwa apprised the club leaders of the strides made in preparations for the upcoming season. 

He assured them of the headway achieved, including plans to introduce a league sponsor and a broadcaster. 

Mwendwa's steadfast commitment to steering Kenyan football in the right direction resonated profoundly with the attendees. 

Adagala eloquently summed up the prevailing sentiment, "We've afforded Mwendwa the time to effect positive change, and he has unequivocally steered us on the right course. His meticulous organization of Physical and Endurance Training for referees demonstrated his dedication. 

"Today's (Friday) discussion and strategic planning for the premier league further affirm his exceptional leadership. I offer my unreserved support to President Mwendwa, even as the FKF elections approach."