‘It has taken a turn for the worse’ - Super Eagles star speaks out on social media's impact on players and fans

Sper Eagles star Speaks Out on Social Media's Impact || Guardian

‘It has taken a turn for the worse’ - Super Eagles star speaks out on social media's impact on players and fans

Stephen Oladehinde 13:01 - 06.03.2024

Super Eagles and Rangers central defender, Leon Aderemi Balogun, has shed light on the evolving relationship between footballers and fans in the age of social media.

Following the AFCON 2023 final, Ola Aina and Alex Iwobi faced cyberbullying and even received death threats, prompting Balogun to express his concerns about the increasingly blurred boundaries of fan expression.

Fans' Access and Its Impact

Leon Balogun has expressed his displeasure at the influence of social media in the life of footballers and fans, with some using it as a medium to take their frustration on players.

"I have this feeling that this constant access to the real me as a player has lowered the threshold for fans in the stadium to a point where some think they are entitled to do things which they aren’t. 

“Some people, not the majority, feel because they have paid for a ticket to come to the stadium that it somehow automatically gives them the right to abuse you. 

“Some people just want to voice their frustration at you in a very inappropriate way," Balogun expressed during a conversation on a FIFPro X Space.

Escalating Cyberbullying and Abuse

Balogun highlighted the escalation of cyberbullying and abuse, particularly in the wake of events such as the AFCON 2023 final against Ivory Coast. "It has developed over the last 16 years since I’ve been a professional. 

“It has taken a turn for the worse with the introduction and rise of social media. With the spread and the rise of social media, it has become more violent," the former QPR defender added.

Leon Aderemi Balogun || Imago
Leon Aderemi Balogun || Imago

For Balogun, finding a middle ground where both footballers and fans can express themselves without resorting to harm is crucial. 

"Ultimately, we all need to get along and create an environment where everybody feels safe to express themselves and to voice their opinion without harming one another. 

“If we can remind ourselves of that every now and then, I think a huge part will be done," he concluded.
