From Pitch to the Aisle? Beautiful Super Falcons star and ex-NPFL defender fuel marriage rumour with cozy training photos

Joseph Akpudje and Ramat Abdulkareem share sizzling pictures. (Photo Credit: Akpudje and Ramat/X)

From Pitch to the Aisle? Beautiful Super Falcons star and ex-NPFL defender fuel marriage rumour with cozy training photos

Izuchukwu Akawor • Izuchukwu Akawor • 11:33 - 20.06.2024

Joseph Akpudje and Ramat took to social media to display sizzling pictures of the two finding solace in each other's arms.

Football stars Joseph Akpudje and Ramat Ohunene Abdulkareem have taken social media by storm with their sizzling display of affection. 

The former MFM star and Super Eagles hopeful, Akpudje, and the Super Falcons sensation, Ramat, have set tongues wagging with their recent training session photos, where the duo was seen cosying up and keeping fit during the off-season.

Akpudje and Ramat's stunning photos

The images, shared across their respective social media platforms, have sparked a frenzy among their fans, with many speculating that the two might be gearing up to take their relationship to the next level.

Ramat Ohunene's coy response to a comment on the pictures, hinting that the couple might be getting married "soonest," has only added fuel to the fire.

Joseph Akpudje and Ramat Ohunene Abdulkareem in warm embrace.
Joseph Akpudje and Ramat Ohunene Abdulkareem in warm embrace.

Akpudje, who is currently a free agent after leaving his former club Jablonec, where he had been since joining the Czech Republic side in the summer of 2022, seems to have found solace in the arms of the Super Falcons star. 

Meanwhile, Ramat Ohunene, who was last seen with the Turkish side Atasehir Women, has seemingly found her match in the former NPFL defender.

Akpudje and Ramat decided to set social media on fire.
Akpudje and Ramat decided to set social media on fire.

The duo's sizzling chemistry and dedication to their fitness regime have caught the attention of their fans, who have taken to social media to express their admiration. 

"E choke! God when oo," one fan commented, while another added, "Actual body goals. More muscle than fat. Can I put in the work required, though?"

Former NPFL star Akpudje definitely enjoys leg day!
Former NPFL star Akpudje definitely enjoys leg day!

In a heartfelt caption, Ramat Ohunene shared her thoughts, writing, "Don't fall in love with success. Fall in love with the habits that bring success," on her Twitter account.

Akpudje's response, "Yet not I but through Christ in me," suggested a deeper spiritual connection between the two.

Ramat Abdulkareem in her element.
Ramat Abdulkareem in her element.

As the couple continues to captivate their followers, it remains to be seen whether their blossoming romance will translate into a lasting partnership, both on and off the field. 

One thing is certain, however – these two football stars have found a way to keep their fans enthralled, even in their clubless situations.

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