Arua Hill finds new home ground in Wakiso

Arua Hill fans at Barifa Stadium last season|Arua Hill Image

FOOTBALL Arua Hill finds new home ground in Wakiso

Moses King 07:22 - 28.07.2023

Arua Hill Sports Club will host their 2023/24 home games at Kavumba Recreational Grounds located in Wakiso District off Hoima Road.

A reliable source intimated to Pulse Uganda Sports that the West Nile giant is expected to move their base to Wakiso District amidst several changes happening at the club, including ownership, reportedly under closed-door discussions.

Arua Hill had earlier requested to utilize Midigo Primary School grounds in Yumbe District. Midigo hosts Calvary FC home games in the FUFA Big League.

However, the open school ground has reportedly been deemed unsuitable for top-flight football standards and also unfavourable for the club’s revenue prospects.

Misfortune befell the Kongolo recently after an unknown group of people vandalized their home, Barifa grounds in Arua City.

A number of facilities on the grounds, including the pavilion, fence, and restrooms, were destroyed.

There were reports that the club would engage their archrivals Onduparaka FC to utilize the Greenlight Stadium in Arua City.
