3 things the NFF must urgently do to address the Victor Osimhen vs Finidi George Super Eagles Saga

Victor Osimhen trended for days after attacking Super Eagles coach Finidi George on IG LIVE.

3 things the NFF must urgently do to address the Victor Osimhen vs Finidi George Super Eagles Saga

Izuchukwu Akawor • Izuchukwu Akawor • 10:06 - 23.06.2024

The NFF must act decisively to arrest the show of shame that greeted the Super Eagles after Victor Osimhen attacked Finidi George on Instagram LIVE.

The recent feud between Super Eagles star Victor Osimhen and Nigerian football legend Finidi George has caused a major stir, with the two icons embroiled in a bitter war of words on social media.

The saga erupted after reports that Finidi, the resigned Super Eagles coach, had allegedly questioned Osimhen's commitment to the national team following Nigeria's disastrous World Cup qualifying campaign.

This prompted the Napoli striker to launch an explosive rant against Finidi on Instagram Live, sparking a widespread backlash and controversy.

Osimhen vs Finidi George in the Super Eagles

With tensions running high, the Nigerian Football Federation (NFF) must now take decisive action to address this divisive issue. 

Finidi George, former Super Eagles coach won just one of four matches.
Finidi George, former Super Eagles coach won just one of four matches. || X

Here are three key steps they need to take:

1. Proper and Clear Communication 

The NFF needs to step in and provide clear, transparent communication about the incident and what happened between the two. 

They must get to the bottom of exactly what was said by both parties and relay the facts to the public. 

Victor Osimhen during his explosive IG Live tirade.
Victor Osimhen during his explosive IG Live tirade.

This will help diffuse the situation and prevent further speculation, effectively ending the confusion and unnecessary distraction.

2. Issue a Strong Warning to Osimhen 

The football governing body in Nigeria should strongly warn Osimhen against future unprofessional occurrences as there are better ways and means to handle such issues. 

NFF President Ibrahim Gusau must end the reticence on the Osimhen vs Finidi issue and address it head on.
NFF President Ibrahim Gusau must end the reticence on the Osimhen vs Finidi issue and address it head on.

It must make it clear that his outburst against a revered figure like Finidi George is unacceptable. 

As a senior international player, he must be held accountable for his actions and reminded of his responsibilities.

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3. Release a Guideline for Players and Coaches 

To avoid similar conflicts in the future, the NFF should release a comprehensive guideline outlining the expected code of conduct for all national team players and coaches. 

Going forward this will establish clear boundaries and protocols for professionally addressing grievances.

Victor Osimhen did not want to be scapegoated for Finidi George's failings
Victor Osimhen did not want to be scapegoated for Finidi George's failings. (Photo Credit: Naija PR/X)

By taking these steps, the NFF can work to repair the damage caused by the Osimhen-Finidi saga and ensure harmony within the Super Eagles camp ahead of crucial upcoming fixtures.

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