NBA betting tips, odds and accumulator

NBA betting tips, odds and accumulator


NBA betting tips, odds and accumulator

BETTING TIPS NBA betting tips, odds and accumulator

Stephen Oladehinde 11:49 - 25.02.2023

The NBA game week continues this midnight with basketball teams and players jeering up for another game day.

Yesterday’s NBA game did not come with lots of surprises as favourite teams won their games respectively. However, most of them did not produce as many points as expected in their game.  New York Knicks, Atlanta Hawks, Phoenix Suns, Golden State Warriors and others won their games as they head into another game week.

Another game day is getting closer and we expect these teams to fire up and produce lots of points.

Our tickets include Orlando Magic, New York Knicks, Memphis Grizzlies and Philadelphia 76ers respectively.

NBA betting tips, odds and accumulator

NBA betting tips, odds and accumulator
NBA betting tips, odds and accumulator

Orlando Magic vs Indiana Pacers: over 226.5 points @ 1.58 odds

New York Knicks vs New Orleans Pelicans: New York Knicks  to win @ 1.66 odds

Memphis Grizzlies vs Denver Nuggets: away handicap +8.5 @ 1.35 odds

Philadelphia 76ers vs Boston Celtics: home handicap +7.5 @ 1.37 odds

Total odds on Sportybet: 4.92 odds

Booking code: 40B8648A

*The odds were correct as at the time of posting

Orlando Magic vs Indiana Pacers

Sunday, February 26, 1:00 am (GMT+1)

Betting tip: over 226.5 points

Odds: 1.58 on Sportybet

The Orlando Magic have averagely been better than the Indiana Pacers in recent games. They have won three of their last five NBA games and have scored over 107 points in three of those five games while Indiana Pacers have just one win in their last five NBA games and have scored 117 points in three of those five games. Both teams have also played over 226 points in four of their last five meetings against each other.

Orlando Magic vs Indiana Pacers NBA game
Orlando Magic vs Indiana Pacers NBA game

New York Knicks vs New Orleans Pelicans

Sunday, February 26, 1:30 am (GMT+1)

Betting tip: New York Knicks  to win

Odds: 1.66 on Sportybet

The New York Knicks have been in good form in recent games while the New Orleans Pelicans have struggled to win their recent games. The New York Knicks have won four of their last five NBA games in a row whereas the New Orleans Pelicans have just two wins and lost two games in a row in their last five NBA games. The New York Knicks have also been the superior team in their previous meetings, winning three of their last five meetings.

New York Knicks vs New Orleans Pelicans NBA game
New York Knicks vs New Orleans Pelicans NBA game

Memphis Grizzlies vs Denver Nuggets

Sunday, February 26, 2:00 am (GMT+1)

Betting tip: away handicap +8.5

Odds: 1.35 on Sportybet

Memphis Grizzlies have won three of their last five meetings against the Denver Nuggets but their winning margin has not been more than 9 points. Memphis Grizzlies have won three of their last five games but lost their previous game against the Philadelphia 76ers whereas Denver Nuggets have won four of their last five NBA games in a row. Memphis Grizzlies have been tipped to win this encounter but we are not expecting them to win by a margin of nine points.

Memphis Grizzlies player in action
Memphis Grizzlies player in action

Philadelphia 76ers vs Boston Celtics

Sunday, February 26, 2:30 am (GMT+1)

Betting tip: home handicap +7.5

Odds: 1.37 Sportybet

The Boston Celtics have won three of their last five meetings against the Philadelphia 76ers but their winning margin has not been more than 8 points. The Boston Celtics have won four of their last five games whereas the Philadelphia 76ers have won their last five NBA games in a row. We expect a very tight game from both teams and we do not expect the Boston Celtics to win by a point margin of seven.

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