Lucy Kabuu: Fresh details emerge on how Kenyan marathon star lost millions in property dispute

Lucy Kabuu: Fresh details emerge on how Kenyan marathon star lost millions in property dispute

Festus Chuma 13:52 - 28.10.2024

A Kenyan marathon star faces a high-stakes court battle after allegedly losing control of her Sh70 million estate to her ex-husband, revealing a complex web of trust, finances, and betrayal.

Former Commonwealth 10,000-meter champion Lucy Kabuu is embroiled in a complex legal battle over the ownership of multi-million-shilling estates.

Kabuu, known also for her historic win at 2018 Milano Marathon, alleges that her ex-husband, Jeremiah Maina Wamungu, misused her trust and swindled a substantial portion of her fortune.

Maina, however, asserts that his contributions to their joint life entitle him to half of the Sh70 million estate.

The Nakuru court heard that Kabuu and Maina met in 2009 and lived together as a couple until their separation in 2014. Kabuu, who moved on after leaving the troubled marriage, was taken aback when Maina filed a suit seeking 50% of her assets, which he claims they acquired jointly.

The couple’s marriage was not formally dissolved until 2020, delaying legal proceedings over the estate division for several years.

Maina contends that he played a significant role in the acquisition and development of properties located across Nakuru, Nairobi, Nyandarua, and Laikipia counties.

However, Kabuu argues that the properties were acquired exclusively through her winnings and savings, with Maina only overseeing their development.

“I had two ATM cards which I allowed Maina free access to my accounts so that he could safeguard our future and also because he was the one taking care of the child,” Kabuu told the court as per Nation.

Despite her claims, Kabuu admitted to sending large sums of money to Maina’s account for purchasing and developing property.

According to her, she deposited approximately Sh6 million into his account, but Maina allegedly registered the properties solely in his name.

She specifically pointed out that Sh2 million earned from the London Marathon was sent to Maina for acquiring property, only for him to claim full ownership.

When questioned by Maina's lawyer, Maina Kairu, about compensating Maina for his support as an assistant coach, Kabuu confirmed that she never paid him during their years together, acknowledging his unpaid commitment to their family.

“I engaged Maina as my coach, but we did not have a payment agreement. Sometimes when I was away, he would remain behind to look after our daughter,” she explained.

Maina’s lawyer argued that his support benefited their family, which Kabuu countered by emphasizing her trust in him.

She contends that she provided him access to her funds solely out of family loyalty, not as an implicit financial partnership.

The court documents reveal allegations that Maina also opened a dollar account using Kabuu’s identity, siphoning funds from her athletic winnings.

Kabuu’s explanation, however, faltered when asked why she did not use her passport—a legitimate form of identification—to open the account herself.

In a notable instance, Kabuu argued that a property in Nyahururu was purchased using funds from selling a different property in Kayole.

However, records indicate that the Nyahururu property was bought in February 2012, four months before the Kayole property was sold in June.

A bank statement from Maina’s account further complicates her claims, showing a Sh1 million withdrawal on the exact date the Nyahururu property was purchased.

Maina’s lawyer also disputed Kabuu’s assertion that he lacked financial stability, presenting pay slips indicating a net salary of Sh27,000 from the National Police Service.

In addition, the lawyer presented evidence suggesting that Maina had sold a property in 2012 that he owned before their marriage, using the funds to acquire other assets not deemed matrimonial property.

Amid the conflicting claims, Kabuu maintains that her ex-husband’s actions were rooted in betrayal and exploitation, accusing him of manipulating her trust to gain financial advantage.

The case has captivated the public as Kenya’s athletic heroine faces the prospect of losing a significant portion of her estate.