Government pathologist Dr. Oduor details what led to Kelvin Kiptum's untimely demise

Government pathologist Johansen Oduor

ATHLETICS Government pathologist Dr. Oduor details what led to Kelvin Kiptum's untimely demise

Festus Chuma 17:59 - 21.02.2024

Pathologist reveals severe injuries in postmortem of marathon champion Kelvin Kiptum after a fatal accident.

World Marathon record holder Kelvin Kiptum passed away due to severe head injuries sustained in a fatal motor vehicle accident, a comprehensive postmortem examination has disclosed. 

Chief government pathologist Dr. Johansen Oduor, who conducted the postmortem at Eldoret Hospital morgue, presented the findings on Wednesday, shedding light on the harrowing circumstances leading to Kiptum's untimely death.

"It was alleged he was involved in a fatal motor vehicle accident. Following the allegations, there were so many issues that led us to come here and perform the postmortem to find out what happened. Upon doing so, first of all, we found that he had several head injuries, including severe skull injuries at the base of the skull. The spinal cord had intruded into the cranial cavity because of the fractures," Dr. Oduor explained, highlighting the grave nature of Kiptum's injuries.

The pathologist's report detailed multiple traumas suffered by Kiptum, including significant fractures to his ribs on both sides and lung contusions, indicative of intense impact. 

"Furthermore, there were fractures to the ribs on both sides. On the left side, the first, second, and third ribs were fractured. On the right, the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and seventh ribs were fractured. There was also what is called contusion on the lungs, meaning there were also injuries to the lungs," Dr. Oduor added, emphasizing the severity of the internal damage.

The findings concluded that the primary cause of death was severe lung injuries, characteristic of high-impact trauma typically seen in motor vehicle accidents. 

"So, what killed Kelvin was severe lung injuries, and when I look at them, they appear more like something that has been caused by a motor vehicle accident," Dr. Oduor stated. 

The pathologist also mentioned that samples were taken for a full toxicological analysis to determine if any other factors might have contributed to the accident.

The case has attracted the attention of homicide officers from the DCI headquarters, who are currently investigating the cause of the accident, underlining the seriousness of the incident and the quest for answers.

Kiptum's loss has deeply affected the athletic community and his fans worldwide. 

In a gesture of respect and to honor his legacy, his body will be escorted through the streets of Eldoret tomorrow, ahead of his burial scheduled for Friday at his farm near Naiberi in Uasin Gishu county.

The procession aims to provide an opportunity for the public to pay their last respects to the esteemed athlete whose life was cut tragically short.

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