David Rudisha adds his voice to those condemning Sports CS Ababu Namwamba

© David Rudisha Twitter

ATHLETICS: David Rudisha adds his voice to those condemning Sports CS Ababu Namwamba

Abigael Wafula 11:00 - 24.08.2023

It all started when National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah called the CS out and now he's becoming a punching bag for many.

Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba has been making headlines recently with some politicians including Members of Parliaments questioning his credibility.

The recent person to express his disappointment in the CS is World 800m record holder David Rudisha. The 2023 World Athletics Championships ambassador posted on his Twitter that it is such a shame that the CS is not in Budapest, Hungary to support Kenyans.

He said: “I am disappointed that our sports CS is not here to give moral support to the team.”

Rudisha’s sentiments were not met pleasantly after some of the Twitter users went for him. One Twitter user, Loyrd Abwoga commented saying: “MUST He be there? Anyway, the PS is there.”

Another angry user, Nobert Ozil, also added saying: “Stop this childish! Do you want the CS to run on their behalf? Wacha kiherehere.”

Another user commented saying: “What kind of moral support yet the team is already funded? And even their allowances are already with them something that has never happened before.”

Meanwhile, National Assembly Majority leader Kimani Ichung’wah started attacking the CS before others joined and now Rudisha has also joined the trend.

Ichung’wah said: “You were not made a minister in this country to fly flags in the streets and bulldoze your way through traffic with Subaru escorts.”

On her part, National Assembly Deputy Speaker Gladys Shollei also took on Namwamba as she claimed that she was forced to host champions from the Boston and London marathons after the ministry failed to accord them a decent reception upon their return.

“I've hosted them for breakfast, and lunch and talked about their challenges and they tell me their horror stories. They fly economy, the ministry officials are flying business class and first class,” she said.

Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei also threw jabs at Ababu saying that he is an incompetent leader who needs to be dealt with.

"How can ministry officials fly first class with their girlfriends to the Olympics in Budapest, Hungary, at the expense of our athletes?

Our female athletes are being exploited sexually and economically. Parliament must summon CS Sports to avert disastrous mismanagement of our sports,” he said.