Cole Hocker on how rivalry between Josh Kerr and Jakob Ingebrigtsen played to his win

Cole Hocker on how rivalry between Josh Kerr and Jakob Ingebrigtsen played to his win

Festus Chuma 07:30 - 07.08.2024

Cole Hocker capitalized on the intense rivalry between Jakob Ingebrigtsen and Josh Kerr to secure a surprising Olympic 1500-meter victory.

American middle-distance runner Cole Hocker smashed his own personal best time and beat the Olympic record in a stunning display at the 1500-meter race, leveraging the intense focus on rivals Jakob Ingebrigtsen and Josh Kerr to stage one of the most memorable upsets in Olympic history.

In a race filled with seasoned champions and high expectations, Hocker, a 23-year-old from Indianapolis, seized an unexpected victory that left the crowd at Stade de France in awe.

Despite the deafening roar of 77,000 spectators, Hocker ran a race driven by sheer instinct and an acute sense of timing.

"It’s an unbelievable feeling.I just felt like I was getting carried by the stadium and God. My body just kind of did it for me. My mind was all there and I saw that finish line," he said as per Sky Sports.

The buildup to the race was dominated by the anticipated showdown between Ingebrigtsen and Kerr, both of whom had previously won medals and were considered the favorites.

This intense focus on his rivals played to Hocker's advantage, allowing him to remain relatively unnoticed.

"Winning gold was my goal this entire year. I wrote that down and I repeated it to myself even if I didn’t believe it. My performances showed me that I was capable of running 3:27, whatever it took," Hocker said.

Hocker, who dramatically improved his mile time by 18 seconds over 20 months, found himself in a tactical position during the race.

As Ingebrigtsen and Kerr eyed each other, they inadvertently gave Hocker the opening he needed.

The young runner had to drop back momentarily when he could not find an opening on the rail but seized the moment to sprint to the front when a lane cleared, securing his lead with an explosive finish.

Reflecting on the race dynamics, Hocker acknowledged the psychological edge he gained from the rivalry between Ingebrigtsen and Kerr.

"I kind of told myself that I’m in this race too.If they let me fly under the radar, then so be it. I think that might’ve just been the best," he explained.

His strategy of laying low until the critical moment allowed him to emerge as the unexpected champion.

The race was historic not only for Hocker’s unexpected victory but also for its overall competitiveness.

Seven of the twelve finalists were previous medalists, bringing a collective 15 global medals into the mix.

The presence of all three medalists from Tokyo 2021—including Ingebrigtsen, Timothy Cheruiyot, and Kerr—added to the race's prestige, with six runners finishing under the previous Olympic record.