Boniface Mweresa reveals his ultimate goal before hanging his spikes

ATHLETICS Boniface Mweresa reveals his ultimate goal before hanging his spikes

Abigael Wafula 16:26 - 11.08.2023

The 29-year-old’s main focus this season is qualifying for next year’s Paris Olympics.

National 400m champion Boniface Mweresa has disclosed that his ultimate goal in his athletics career is winning the 400m gold at the Olympic Games.

The KDF-bound athlete noted that before he retires, he must have the decorated gold medal in his cabinet since it has always been his dream.

Of course, it’s bagging the Olympic gold medal in the 400m. That’s everyone’s goal in athletics…when you win the gold, you’re good to go,” Mweresa told Nation Sport.

The 29-year-old’s main focus this season is qualifying for next year’s Paris Olympics. He has been selected to compete in the 400m as he heads to the World Championships in Budapest, Hungary and he wants to use the chance there to hit the qualifying time for the Olympic Games.

He attested that his training has been great so far and he intends to do well when he heads to Central Europe. He was in action during the 2017 London World Championships but unfortunately was eliminated in the semifinal and he noted that he will be keen to improve on that.

The training has been okay and we are just doing the final touches. I want to qualify for the Olympics next year when I go to Budapest.

I also want to get to the final since last year I was unfortunately eliminated in the semifinal,” Mweresa said.

He added that the coming of Africa’s fastest man Ferdinand Omanyala is a great morale booster for most of the sprinters in Kenya. He strongly believes that Team Kenya will shine in the sprints.

Omanyala has laid a good foundation. At the moment, we have many sprinters, and the relays have also qualified…he’s good motivation for us. We have all it takes to do well in Budapest because we earned our way there courtesy of our hard work,” he said.