11 youngsters to receive Ksh 14 million from Shelly-Anne Fraser-Pryce's foundation

© Track Spice

ATHLETICS 11 youngsters to receive Ksh 14 million from Shelly-Anne Fraser-Pryce's foundation

Abigael Wafula 16:37 - 27.09.2023

66 student-athletes have now benefited from the Academic Scholarship, since the foundation's inception in 2013.

11 youngsters are part of this year’s Pocket Rocket Foundation Scholarship set to receive a significant financial boost towards their academic and sporting pursuits.

The foundation, which is owned by sprint-sensation Shelly-Anne Fraser-Pryce offers financial assistance to high school student-athletes, between second form and sixth form, who represent their school in any sporting discipline through donations and fundraisings.

As reported by Sports Max, Natrece East of Wolmer’s Girls, Tshani Armstrong of St Catherine, Tyrone Lawson of Jamaica College, and Lysander Taylor of Papine are among the beneficiaries.

Karissa Kelly of Wolmer’s Girls, Nickayla Russell of Holmwood Technical, Kenrick McFarlane of Excelsior, Jaheim Jackson of Knox College, Joel Lamm of Wolmer’s Boys, Jordyne Grant, also of Wolmer’s Boys, and Streme Cha of Campion College, are the other recipients.

Each recipient is set to receive $100,000 which is approximately Ksh 14 million, towards their high school expenses including tuition, books, uniform, lunch, and travel, which is to be redeemed annually, provided their exemplary academic standards and disciplined behaviour remain intact.

This brings the number to over 66 student-athletes across more than 22 different high schools competing in 11 different sporting disciplines that have benefited from Academic Scholarship, since the foundation's inception in 2013.

The foundation awards scholarships based on exemplary performance in both academics and athletics.
